Thursday, February 02, 2012

Move On....

There are times when you are down and you know that you are not at your best. What does one do in such times? I have tried multiple things and many have worked, many have not. 

I was very sad and de-motivated few days ago. I had planned to get something done and it was just not happening. Not that I was not able to do it, but it was dependent on someone else to do it. I was dealing with government officials and their reaction to everything I wanted was extremely slow. The official had probably decided not to work that day. I spent huge effort running around places and without knowing what exactly I was supposed to do. It was taking a lot of my office time and I was clueless as to what I should be doing. 

I was unable to concentrate and thus decided to go home and just be with family. My daughter had to be dropped to her gymnastic class along with her friends. I went along and left them over there. The weather was cool and pleasant and that already had started making me feel good. I decided to stay on to see if the weather would make me happy again. I continued to watch what was happening with the kids. 

The kids were asked to take a round on the jogging track. Five and six year old kids were trying to run and jump hard. Every small kid had his own style of running and none of them were very good at it. But they kept running. Some didn't move their hands at all; some move their hands faster than their overall speed. Kalindi was swinging only one hand while running. It did bring a smile on my face. But it did not get me out of my low. 

The gymnastic teacher called them and made them stand in a circle. They were asked to do various exercises. It’s so tough to be a teacher to small kids. Most of the children bothered in paying attention to you. They are in their own world just barley trying to follow the instructions, probably just to show their involvement in the sport. Their mind must out in their own world.

The teacher then asked them to start running with specific instructions. With every blow of the whistle they had to move forward, backward, towards the right, towards the left and then ahead to reach the other side of the park. What amazed me the most was that children fell down, got up again and started running. Every second child fell down when s/he was asked to run sideways. But all of them again got up and started running again. They had a funny posture even when they fell down. But they were not bothered about falling, it was fun for them. They laughed it out and were ready to move on. Kalindi also did the same. She stumbled but kept trying, kept running. 

My daughter and the kids taught me a lesson that day. A lesson to move on in life. Do not keep thinking about what you could not or are not able to achieve. Laugh it out and keep trying. Keep running; because a rolling stone gathers no moss. How true!

Life is full of ups and downs. However down you are, your only option is to look up and keep moving. 


Blogger Tell a Tale! said...

I cannot agree any less!! It's all in the mind. Only you can decide what to make of your future.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Ashish Mhatre said...

Wonderful thoughts SHANK...Yes I believe...laughter is the best medicine...keep moving...

3:11 AM  

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